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As an institution since 2004, HarvestPlus has used traditional breeding techniques as well as modern biotechnology to increase the density of micronutrients in staple crops grown and consumed by smallholder farmers around the world. HarvestPlus focuses on three micronutrients: Iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and vitamin A. Iron deficiency during childhood and adolescence impairs mental development and learning capacity. In adults, it reduces the ability to do physical labor. Severe anemia increases the risk of women dying in childbirth. Zinc is involved in more body functions than any other mineral. Severe deficiencies in Vitamin A causes millions of children to go blind every year.

Notable innovations:


-Iron Biofortified Pearl Millet in India provides up to 80% of daily Iron needs. It is also beneficial to farmers as it is high yielding, mildew resistant, and drought tolerant.


-Orange fleshed sweet potatoes in Uganda provides up to 100% of daily Vitamin A needs. It is also high yielding, drought tolerant, and virus resistant.


-Zinc Biofortified Rice in Bangladesh and India provides up to 60% of daily Zinc needs. In addition, it is high yielding, disease and pest resistant.




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